Singapore Pools – Digital Transformation and Safety Initiatives

sgp pools

Singapore Pools’ digital transformation project has been a key success for the organisation, and its CEO Yeo Teck Guan believes that it has also made the company more transparent and customer-centric. He explains how the company has changed its culture, boosted transparency, and reduced illegal gambling activities, as well as shifted away from legacy business processes that hamper growth.

He says that the company’s focus on digital technologies is also helping it to become more agile and responsive to changes in the industry, and improve its overall competitiveness. Its technology investments have included the launch of Poolz Connect, a system that allows users to place bets via an IP-enabled call centre and secure payment gateway that is linked to their local banks. The new system has also helped to reduce operational costs, and reduce the risk of fraud.

Aside from its digital initiatives, the company is also focusing on improving the safety and security of its customers. One of its recent projects is the introduction of the Continuous Vital Signs Displayer (CVDDS) system at 11 of its public swimming pools. This device monitors a swimmer’s heart rate and blood pressure, as well as respiration, to detect any signs of drowning. It has been shown to increase rescue times by up to 50%. It also reduces the number of false alarms by identifying the cause of the alarm, such as a low heart rate or high blood pressure. In addition, it alerts staff to any problems with a swimmer’s condition.

Other safety measures at the public swimming pools include the use of CCTV to monitor the pools and a strict no-smoking policy. There are also trained and certified lifeguards available to provide assistance to swimmers. Moreover, the pool’s emergency procedures are clearly displayed for visitors to read. The pools are also equipped with emergency signage and first aid kits.

While there are a variety of swimming pools in the city, the most popular type is the inground pool. This type of pool is dug into the ground, then steel reinforcement takes place and plumbing is installed. The pool is then finished with plaster or concrete. This type of pool is ideal for families because it can be enjoyed at any time of the day.

Before you buy a pool, it’s important to consider all your options and the budget you have for the project. You’ll want to speak with an independent installer to get a more accurate price estimate for your project. Many people end up buying a pool that cost more than they had initially planned, so it’s important to budget accordingly. It’s helpful to think of a pool like purchasing another luxury item, such as a new home. You might start out with a base package, but you’ll probably find that you want to upgrade and add more features and amenities. The pool of your dreams might cost more than you had expected, but it’s worth the investment in both your physical health and your family’s happiness.